WordPress博客是迄今为止世界上用的人最多的博客程序,具说世界排名500以内的网站有也使用wordpress搭建的,本博客也是使用WordPress搭建的,从之前的3.8版本,一直使用到目前使用的5.1版本,近期看到WordPress官网发布了消息,5.2版本马上就要出来了,预计本月底就会上线,之前在更换了5.1之后官方放弃原来的文章编辑器,使用了Gutenberg(古腾堡)编辑器,大家只好下载插件来恢复使用原来的编辑器(WordPress 5.0怎样改回旧版的编辑器),下面是WordPress官方发布的通知。
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WordPress 5.2 is targeted for release at the end of this month, and with it comes an update to the minimum required version of PHP. WordPress will now require a minimum of PHP 5.6.20. Beginning in WordPress 5.1, users running PHP versions below 5.6 have had a notification in their dashboard that includes information to help them update PHP. Since then, the WordPress stats have shown an increase in users on more recent versions of PHP. |