立减1美元优惠码:kxceping (限新用户使用)
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[crayon-67c573e2ea255699608751 ]您好: 我们有个好消息! 我们很高兴地宣布,我们已添加支付宝作为自动续订的付款方式。 我们希望这能为我们的客户提供更多样化的,方便的服务。 要进行此设置,您可以将您的支付宝帐户添加到“帐单管理”页面,然后转到“续订管理”页面以将其选择为自动续订的首选付款方式。 更改后,将自动从您的支付宝帐户收取续订费用。 我们和支付宝是无缝和直接对接的,我们希望您也有同样的感觉! 如果您想取消自动续订选项,则可以随时在您的支付宝帐户中直接进行管理,或者可以在您的NameSilo帐户中进行取消。 如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系我! 最好的祝福, 艾比 Hi, We have great news! We’re pleased to announce that we have added AliPay as a payment option for auto-renewals. We hope that this adds convenience and flexibility for our customers. To set this up, you can add your AliPay account to the Billing Manager page and then head over to the Renewal Manager page to select it as your preferred payment method for auto-renewals. After this change, renewal charges will be taken automatically from your AliPay account. You can deactivate this option at any time if needed. The integration is seamless and straightforward, and we hope that you feel the same way too! If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! Best regards, Abby |